It Should Be Simple

What if your health and fitness was simple? I mean super duper simple. What would that look like? Here's what it would look like for me. I would get 3 workouts a week that are 45-60 minutes long. I would get 7 hours of sleep every night. I would be eating 3-4 well balanced meals everyday.

Those are the big rocks I would focus on from a movement, recovery and nutrition standpoint. This is as simple as I can make it. If I focus hitting these 3 things I know that I will be in really good shape. I haven't mentioned any real specifics about the workouts or the meals (7 hours of sleep is pretty specific). They don't matter...yet.

As we get ready to head into a new year, I want you to remember this: THE SPECIFICS DON'T MATTER...yet. I know that if I can't get to the gym at least 3x a week it doesn't matter if I'm doing Crossfit or powerlifting. Yes something is better than nothing but until you can repeatedly do the simple (whatever your simple is) you're not going to see any real progress.

I've had numerous conversations with people where they explain that they've never prepared their own food on a regular basis. These people always want to talk about what would be the best diet for them. Here's the thing about diets, if you're going to really follow one then you're going have to eventually prepare your own meals (it's the only way to be sure you're eating what you think you're eating). So until you can cook and repeatedly prepare your own meals it doesn't matter what diet you try out. (That's assuming you're not willing to pay a lot of money for someone to prepare food for you.)

So as you start to think about resolutions for 2019, Keep It Simple Stu... I don't want you to think about any specifics. I do want you to spend 10-15 minutes thinking about what life would be if it was simple. Once you're finished doing that, throw it away.

Now spend another 3-5 hours making it even simpler. As simple as possible. Then go do that. Everyday. We'll talk in a couple of months.