I actually wrote this over a year ago. I'm not sure why I didn't post it. I'm posting it now because it's still true. One of the hardest things I have to teach lots of new clients is to be selfish. People are always ready to give all of themselves to their family or their work. The thing is by doing so, they're actually leaving less of themselves to give in the long run. Anyway, you check out what I originally wrote and the quick workout that went with it. If you like what I have to say, share it with a friend or two or eight.
Today I originally had 7 clients scheduled in 8 hours in 2 different boroughs. Then I had to get home for regularly scheduled daddy/son time. That didn't leave any time for a workout. Luckily I had a last minute cancellation so I was able to sneak in a quick workout.
Here's what I did:
10 Kettlebell Swings/1 Pull-Up every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 2o minutes
Full disclosure: I originally planned to do 3 pull-ups in each round but after 3 rounds it became quite obvious I wasn't going to make it so I switched it up to 1 pull-up. It ended up being 200 swings and 26 pull-ups (3/round the first 3 rounds).
20 minutes was all it took to get a really tough workout. Time is one of the biggest reasons people say that they can't workout. If you can't find 20 minutes to work out, you don't have an exercise problem.
You have a problem putting yourself last. You'll always have to pick up the kids. You're always going to have work projects. You'll always have family gatherings. The thing is whether or not you spend 20 minutes on yourself, those things will always be there.